Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.

President Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Mini-Mission

I know that it has taken me a while to blog about this but I have been putting it off. How do I put into words the wonderful, incredible, life-changing summer that I have had? I don't know, but I guess I will try. Some of this might have already been explained in previous posts. And I'm sorry if this ends up being a little lengthy. Bear with me.

It all started in January. An interesting turn of events led me to apply to be a Counselor at the Oakcrest LDS Girls Camp. One thing led to another and I got the job. Quite miraculously actually. We had one training in March. Three more in May. Then, it started. We had a week of training at camp. The next Monday, the first bus loads of young women. Excitement and anxiety filled my entire being. That first week, was tough. Amazing. And I learned so much more than I ever thought I could.

Ten weeks later, it was over. We stood in a line on the field and waved goodbye to the last bus loads of young women. So why was this the most wonderful, incredible, life-changing summer of my life? Well, I'll try to tell you. 

I got to spend the entire summer hiking, playing with the parachute, doing crafts, ziplining, singing, doing the foam slide, playing games, having dance parties, laughing, doing archery, doing nails, making friendship bracelets, staying up late, and more.

I gained 55 of the best friends I could ever imagine. Fifty-five women who I look up to and learned so much from. These friendships will last through eternity.

I learned that I absolutely LOVE bearing my testimony! I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I want to tell the whole world! I am so grateful that I got to spend my summer bearing my testimony to 12 to 14 year-olds. 

I learned that I can do hard things with the help of my Heavenly Father. He IS my father and he loves me more than I can even comprehend. He has this amazing plan for me. And even though I mess up sometimes...a lot of times...he will never give up on me. 

I learned that prayer can help you get through the hardest of times and the best of times. He is always listening and will always answer. Luckily he sees the big picture so he can answer our prayers in the right way, at the right time. 

I learned that if you are living your life like God wants you to, he will guide you to where you need to be and what you need to say. Keeping the commandments and building a relationship with our Heavenly Father qualifies your for revelation and blessings that you wouldn't have otherwise.

I learned that when you have stewardship over someone's spirit, you can catch a glimpse of Heavenly Father's love for them. And because you have stewardship over them you will be guided to teach and influence them in a special, sacred way.

I learned that serving others brings blessings and a joy that cannot be explained. And this summer was about service. I almost feel guilty that I was in charge of teaching approximately 100 young women and I was the one learned so much.

I learned I NEED my Heavenly Father. I can't even begin to share all of the miracles and tender mercies that I witnessed this summer. I know that I could not have survived this summer without God's love and support.

I learned that the scriptures are full of things that we need to know and apply to our lives. The Book of Mormon was written for us and it contains all the answers we need. You will grow closer to God by reading the Book of Mormon than any other book. You can receive so much strength and joy from diligently studying the scriptures. 

I learned to TRUST. The theme this summer was to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6) I know that if I put my trust in the Lord he will lead and direct me in the way I should go. I know that he will always be there and he loves me. He wants me to be happy. If I trust him and live his ways he will make a lot more out of my life than I can myself.

Well, there are some of the things that I learned this summer. Sometimes, it makes me sad to think that it is over. But I remind myself that it was incredible and that it was a wonderful phase of my life. I will never forget it and I am not the same person I was before Oakcrest. Now, I look forward to the future with faith. I know God has big plans for me. I don't quite know what those are yet but I know that great things are coming. Oakcrest has helped to prepare me for what is ahead, whatever that might be.

I'm not sad that it is over. I rejoice that it happened.

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