Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.

President Thomas S. Monson

Saturday, May 18, 2013

On a run.

Today I went on a run with my roommate. 
We talked about beauty. About what the world says that beauty is. 
We talked about how sometimes we compare ourselves to others and feel like our bodies aren't skinny enough or we don't look beautiful enough. 
We talked about how when we feel this way we feel distance between ourselves and God. This is what Satan wants. He wants us to make our looks our priority. 
This leads to eating disorders, lack of self-confidence and self-worth, depression, obsessions over exercising, financial difficulty, addiction, pride, family disintegration, and so many more things that make Satan smile. 
And Guess what! The flawless body that the world says you need is NOT realistic. We can't all be a size zero, have clear skin, a big chest, perfect hair, and designer clothes. That kind of beauty is unattainable and even if you do achieve it, it won't bring you true happiness.
We talked about how we are so grateful for the gospel and know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and looks for Deep Beauty. He made us the way that we are and gave us this wonderful body. 
Don't hate something that God gave you. Don't abuse that gift he has given you. 
He loves you they way that you are. He sees the whole picture. He sees the person you were in the pre-mortal life and he sees the person you can become in the eternities. 
Yes, you should strive to look your best and take care of your body, but it should not be your highest priority. 
Your highest priority should be making God proud and living worthy to go to the temple and be in His presence. Live so that you can Be Accepted of the Lord.
Live in a way that you are Beautiful to Him
I had a precious experience at Oakcrest last summer. It was something that one of my girls said during testimony meeting. It was something along these lines. 
"Christ is perfect. When He sees us, he sees the parts of us that are like him. Therefore, in us, he sees perfection." 
I know that I'm not perfect but that is wonderful! I have a life to live to become more like my Savior. I can become more and more like him every single day! It doesn't matter what my pant size or how many pimples I have on my face. He created me. 
And he made me Beautiful.

Guess what.

You are beautiful.

Thursday, May 16, 2013



lacking clearness or definiteness; obscure; indistinct, 

open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations

Some people have told me that I tend to be ambiguous or vague on the internet (i.e. my blog, facebook). I guess that sometimes I need to express myself but I don't want everyone knowing exactly what is going through my head. Other times, I do it subconsciously. For example, about a month and a half ago I used the word "Submitted" on Facebook. Nothing more than that. I was expressing how excited I was that I had submitted my final teaching portfolio. Apparently it could be taken a different way. There were some people who thought that I had submitted my mission papers. When I wrote that word on Facebook it didn't even occur to me that people might take it in the wrong way. Simple seemed like the way to go. But I'm not complaining. It could have been a worse mistake. Not to mention, I ended up submitting my mission papers a month later so all is well. Some of the people who are closest to me usually understand what my ambiguous ramblings are about. If they don't, then they usually ask me what in the world I'm talking about. Sometimes its kind of nice to know that even though most of the world doesn't have a clue what you are saying, there are a few people you love so much and know you enough to know exactly what you are saying. 

So now I have these feelings I want to express. But how do I write something so ambiguous that even the people who know me best won't know what I'm saying?

Friday, May 3, 2013

My name is Lauren Kasteler.

My name is Lauren Kasteler.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I am 21 years old.
I am a missionary.
I will be serving in the Florida Jacksonville Mission.
I depart in 110 days.
I will serve for 18 months.
I will preach the gospel in English.
I can't wait.
I can't wait to share the gospel with people in Florida and Georgia.
They need to know the glorious news of the restored Gospel.
They need to know that families can be together.
That Christ already paid the ultimate price.
And because of their Savior's Atonement, they are never alone.
They need to know that God loves them.
He wants them to be happy.
They need to know that God speaks to prophets today.
They need to know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will give them joy.
They need to know that the priesthood is on the earth and can bless their lives.
They need to know that they can pray to their Father at any moment.
That he listens.
And that he will always answer.
They need to know that He has a plan for them.
A plan that will mold and polish them in to the daughter or son they can become.
They need to know the truth.

I'm going to tell them.