Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.

President Thomas S. Monson

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Choose Him

Here is a song that has been dear to my heart ever since I heard it.

There is one part in particular that really stood out to me a couple weeks ago and I have thought about it often since then. It starts at 1:38. These are the lyrics to this part.

He's given me His trust, so I'll be strong enough,
To run from a dangerous touch, I don't need that kind of love,
I don't need that crutch, He's given me his trust.

God trusts me. 
He knows that I am strong enough 
to run away from the things that 
will not bring me eternal happiness. 
He knows that I will choose Him 
and his ways. 
His trust allows me to make my own decisions. 
He isn't going to force me to keep the commandments 
and be worthy of eternal life, 
but He trusts me to make those decisions on my own. 
It doesn't matter what the world thinks of me.
The only person I need to please is my Heavenly Father.

I choose His way. 
I choose His plan.
I choose to keep the commandments. 
I choose the temple.
I choose to be with my family forever.
I choose to be a witness of Him at all times, in all things, and in all places.
I choose to serve him always.
I choose His love.
I choose joy. 
I choose HIM.

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