Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.

President Thomas S. Monson

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today in my Life.

Life. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes....not so much. Here's how mine is doing.

Today, I taught a science lesson. I also took a science midterm. Oh, and there was that spelling lesson that I taught. A little bit of a stressful day? Yup.

Did I get out of both my classes early today? Oh yes!

I miss him.

I found out recently that my current plan of graduating in May....might not happen. A bump in the road has come. What's going to happen? Maybe another semester in Logan. Maybe a switch in my student teaching. Maybe something else. I don't really know how this is going to effect my scholarship, housing, or anything really.

One thing that know is that I have a testimony that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and everything WILL work out in the way that it is supposed to. This is part of God's plan for me.

I changed my blog title back to what it was originally.

My mind likes to over think everything which can cause some issues. At this moment it's better, but not solved.

Institute was fabulous last night.

"You have the potential to become anything to which you set your mind." 
-President Gordon B. Hinckley

2 Nephi 10:23-24
23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts
and remember that ye are free to 
act for yourselves--to choose the 
way of everlasting death or the 
way of eternal life.
24 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, 
reconcile yourselves to the will of 
God, and not to the will of the devil 
and the flesh; and remember, after 
ye are reconciled unto God, that it is 
only in and through the grace of God 
that ye are saved.

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